The Scrum Methodology

Linh Tran, Monday 16 February 2015 | Reading time: unknown

Scrum Agile Project Management - Helping Project Teams to Collaborate more Efficiently

In Rugby a “scrum” is a group of players who stay closely together in order to gain control of the ball. Scrum in project management refers back to the sport to emphasize the importance of teamwork in order to achieve a goal effectively.

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Avoid These 6 Time Wasters and Be More Productive

Linh Tran, Tuesday 10 February 2015 | Reading time: unknown

Avoid These 6 Time Wasters and Be More Productive

Photo by Flickr User Sean MacEntee, Licensed under CC BY 2.0

For businesses it is always essential to work efficiently. However, it is not always easy to do so because there are many daily activities that can distract you. It is important to identify those activities and avoid or improve them in order to increase your workplace productivity. 

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Take Your Project Management to the Cloud

Linh Tran, Monday 09 February 2015 | Reading time: unknown

Project Management in the Cloud

Photo by Flickr User theaucltron (edited), Licensed under CC BY 2.0

Cloud computing is not just a hype and it will definitely not disappear any time soon. On the contrary, it is expected that cloud-based software will be further developed in the future and it will open new possibilities for business in general and project management in particular.

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What Does Project Management Have in Common with American Football?

Linh Tran, Monday 02 February 2015 | Reading time: unknown

What project managers can learn from American Football

Photo by Flickr User Anderson Mancini (edited), Licensed under CC BY 2.0

Believe it or not, project management and American Football have a lot in common. If you take a deeper look there are striking similarities between the coaching of a football team and the managing of a project team: from strategy planning to collaboration and teamwork to setting goals. 

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The Magic Triangle and Devil’s Quadrangle – Understanding Project Management Models

Ariane von Berg, Friday 23 January 2015 | Reading time: unknown

Understanding Project Management Models - InLoox

Photo by Flickr User Aurimas, Licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Like any business undertaking, projects need to be performed and delivered under certain constraints. The project manager is the one responsible for ensuring that the project is being planned and executed in a way that constraints are not being overrun. In today’s post, I want to introduce two models – the Project Management Triangle and the Devil’s Quadrangle – that help us understand how the different project constraints interact.

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Dream Job Project Manager - The Skills it Takes to be Successful

Ariane von Berg, Tuesday 13 January 2015 | Reading time: unknown

Berufsbild Projektmanager

With the promising economic outlook for the field of project management, a growing number of people makes actively pursue a project manager career. Universities and colleges answer to this development with a growing number of degree programs and other institutions provide certificate courses and workshops. Find out more about the different roles available in project management and some tips to help you navigate your own career path.

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Successfully Integrating Change Control Management and Project Management

Ariane von Berg, Tuesday 16 December 2014 | Reading time: unknown

Integrating Change Control Management and Project Management - InLoox

Photo by Flickr User R/DV/RS,  Licensed under CC BY 2.0

Have you been working on projects had changes coming in throughout the execution phase? It is probably not a far shot to say that no project fully sticks to the initial project plan. Changes to the project plan, however, should follow a defined change control projecss in order for the undertaking not to get out of control. Here are tips how you can integrate changes and still achieve successful project delivery.

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