Agile project management is becoming more and more popular. To survive today’s business world, projects must be structured more flexibly and be more versatile. Here we have compiled a short summary of some useful online resources about agile project planning. |
Agile Project Management
Jasper Braun, Tuesday 31 July 2012 | Reading time: unknown 7 Tips to Agile Planning More and more often, time-consuming elaborate project plans are rejected because of unforeseen changes or new developments. To solve this problem, Elizabeth Cambridge gives in her article “7 Tips to Agile Planning” proposals on how to design your projects more flexibly with agile project management. She explains new methods and strategies to handle a project and to make it more efficient. Read more at www.pmhut.com.
Agile, Multidisciplinary Teamwork A very detailed explanation of agile project management provides Gautam Ghosh in his article “Agile, Multidisciplinary Teamwork”. In his text, he compiles strategies, basic knowledge and suggestions from his own experience on how to plan agile and efficiently.
Free eBook about Agile PM On InfoQ, you have the opportunity to download the eBook “Agile Adoption and Transformation Survival Guide” for free. The author Michael Sahota gives a short overview of important aspects of agile project management and divided the guide in three parts: Agile in Crisis, Agile Culture and Adoption and Transformation Survival Guide. |