Munich, March 25, 2025 - Convenient and professional task planning with the innovative AI assistant, which automatically generates suitable tasks for projects, is the focus of InLoox 11.17. There are also improvements to the synchronization of project documents with Microsoft SharePoint and secure authentication via personal access tokens (PATs).
With the new update, InLoox users receive a feature that not only automates the routine process of task planning but also optimizes quality through intelligent suggestions. “With the introduction of our AI task assistant, we are setting new standards in terms of convenience in digital project management,” explains Dr. Andreas Tremel, co-founder and Managing Director of InLoox GmbH, adding:” This feature makes every-day work much easier by speeding up time-consuming project planning via tasks.”
Thanks to this new feature, project teams can create tasks in projects faster and plan the project scope more reliably, as the AI assistant takes care of the logical structuring of the project via the tasks as well as estimating the effort and suggesting the due date.
The InLoox AI task assistant is based on the GPT Model 4o from OpenAI. “Of course, we prioritize maximum security here too,” explains Dr. Tiziano Panico, co-founder and CEO of InLoox. “No data is transmitted to the model for training purposes, which ensures the confidentiality of all input.”
Processing takes place on GDPR-compliant servers located in Amsterdam, which guarantees the protection of sensitive information in accordance with European data protection guidelines. The solution ensures secure and data protection-compliant use.
Synchronization of project documents with Microsoft SharePoint
InLoox recursively compares all files and folders with the linked Microsoft SharePoint Online folder during each synchronization. With this optimized synchronization, InLoox identifies newly added folders and documents, as well as documents and folders that have been moved, renamed or deleted. The unique ID of the item in SharePoint is used to recognize the folders and files already known in InLoox. Files and folders that have been deleted in SharePoint are marked with a warning symbol in InLoox and can then be easily replaced or removed by the InLoox user.
“Project management always means document management, and nothing can be as time-consuming as searching for the right document in the current version,” says Dr. Tiziano Panico, co-founder and Managing Director of InLoox GmbH, reporting from practical experience. “Synchronization ensures that project teams always have the latest documents available in InLoox in real time and are kept up to date in a structured way via the assigned path in the specific SharePoint page or library.”
New authorization for personal access tokens (PATs)
Administrators of InLoox accounts can use the user authorization to control exactly who can use PATs for authentication. PATs offer a secure alternative to password-based login and allow API-based access to InLoox data, such as for Excel integrations via OData. This access can now be restricted to specific users, allowing companies to better secure access to sensitive company data.
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The Munich-based company InLoox was founded in 2001 and develops project management solutions that simplify and accelerate business processes.
The product portfolio includes three editions, InLoox Professional and InLoox Enterprise in the cloud, as well as InLoox On-Prem for installation in your own network. End users can access their project data either via InLoox for Outlook, an intuitive project management software fully integrated into Microsoft Outlook or via InLoox Web App.
InLoox is used by 15 percent of DAX-listed companies and by more than 60,000 users on five continents and in over 60 countries. InLoox customers include AOK plus, AVIS, Canon, Charité Berlin, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, ElectronicPartner, Hitachi, Hoffmann Group, INTERNORM, Leonardo, Novartis, Pentax Europe, Schenker Deutschland, SEAT, Siemens, SOS Kinderdörfer, US Airways, ver.di and many more.
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InLoox GmbH
Carola Moresche
Walter-Gropius-Straße 17
D-80807 Munich
Phone: +49 (0) 89 358 99 88 - 68
Schmidt Kommunikation GmbH
Alexandra Schmidt
Schillerstraße 8
D-85521 Ottobrunn b. Munich
Phone: +49 (0) 89 60 66 92 22