
You are here: InLoox Project management glossary Maturity

Organizational readiness

Maturity refers to the readiness of a company and its employees for a certain model of action, a certain method or a certain management structure. It identifies whether the company and its employees are able to develop and implement a concept for optimizing and improving the work in the organization with regard to a certain competence.

The maturity model is used to assess capability. It distinguishes between 5 development levels:

  1. Level - Individualization: Skills are anchored individually, but not in the organization.
  2. Level - Standardization: Standards are documented.
  3. Level - Measurement: A knowledge and experience base has been built up in the organization and measurable key figures for procedures/processes have been implemented.
  4. Level - Control: The organization is oriented towards best practices and carries out progress and success evaluations (benchmarking).
  5. Level - Continuous improvement: The organization has achieved a process of continuous improvement.

The maturity model describes the improvement process that runs through these levels. The term maturity level and the maturity level model are used in quality management, risk management, project management, software development and corporate management.

Maturity level in project management

In terms of project management, the maturity level provides information on the progressive development of project management skills and processes. If the PM maturity level is high, a noticeable positive expansion of project management skills and project management processes has been achieved.

In 1993, the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University developed a maturity model for project management processes based on the Capability Maturity Model for software development.

The Project Management Maturity Model (PMMM) consists of 5 levels that build on each other:

  1. Level - Incomplete Processes: Processes are not defined or only rudimentarily defined.
  2. Level - Structured processes: Processes and the associated standards are documented.
  3. Level - Standardized processes: Standards are implemented in the organization and processes are institutionalized.
  4. Level - Controlled processes: The implementation of processes and compliance with standards are running properly and are monitored.
  5. Level - Optimized processes: Processes are mature, regularly reviewed and adapted or optimized.

If a company wants to carry out project management processes efficiently and smoothly, the project management maturity model is suitable for setting the improvement processes in motion.

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