Project planning

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Structuring a project in advance

Project planning is one of the important parts of the project management. It bases on the Gantt chart in order to plan a project progress and report about it later. It is a good tool for the project manager during the project implementation as it compares the project objectives to the planning, reacts to the plan deviations, provides a planning of a schedule and therefore controls the project implementation. The project manager can lead a goal-oriented project due to the customization and correction processes.

The first step is to determine the project frameworks and to define methods to complete a project. The next step is to determine the duration of each task or activity, to list them and to groupe in a project structure plan. After that the logical dependencies between activities will be defined and graphically displayed in a network that enables to identify the critical path. The necessary costs for the implementation of the individual activities will be calculated and,therefore, the whole project costs will be provided. The purpose of project planning is to achieve project objectives under balance between used resources and project duration. The project planning is therefore ther basis for the project process.

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