KEY FEATURE InLoox 11.13

NEW: Lists in InLoox Web App

With the new list feature in InLoox 11.13, you can organize your projects even better. This addition offers you an additional powerful method to manage your tasks and information.

Create customized (check) lists for tasks and much more. Customize your lists to your needs and keep track of everything - easily and clearly!

Learn more »

Lists in InLoox Web App
Zeiterfassung von Outlook Kalenderterminen - InLoox für Outlook Modern Add-in

KEY FEATURE InLoox 11.13

Time tracking of Outlook calendar appointments - now in the Modern Add-in!

The InLoox for Outlook Modern add-in now offers all the relevant features to further process your Outlook elements: Turn emails into tasks, store documents in projects and brand new: the "Time" tab.

With the new "Time" tab, you can access your Outlook calendar appointments and book them directly as time tracking entries to your InLoox projects.

Find out more here »

August 13, 2024 

New feature: Lists in InLoox Web App

With InLoox 11.13, we are very pleased to announce the return of the popular "List" feature in InLoox Web App. This feature, which many of our users still know and appreciate from InLoox 10, has been reintroduced to further enhance your project management experience.

Not familiar with lists yet? Lists are project-related, which means you can create your own lists in each project. These lists have different purposes and can be used in many different ways. Examples are

  • Classic checklist: This list consists of text and a checkbox. It can be used to create a packing list for a trade fair visit as an exhibitor, for example. Completed entries on the list can simply be ticked off using the checkboxes.
  • Contact list: A list consisting of text. For example, you can use it to create a contact list with all important contacts at the trade fair so that you can quickly access all relevant information.

Lists in InLoox Web App

You can build your list from different types of columns. The following types of columns are available:

  • Text
  • Date
  • Number
  • Decimal
  • Yes/No

You can also save finished lists as templates for other projects, saving you time and effort. In addition, lists can always be exported as Excel, which makes further processing and archiving easy.

Further instructions can be found in the help article: lists »


Time tracking of Outlook calendar entries in the InLoox for Outlook Modern Add-in

We are pleased to present a major enhancement to the InLoox for Outlook Modern Add-in: the new "Time" tab. This extension makes time tracking even more efficient and user-friendly by allowing you to integrate your appointments directly from Outlook into your project time tracking. As a result, the Modern Add-in grows significantly in terms of functionality, can interact with all relevant Outlook elements and process the data further in InLoox.

Time recording from Outlook calendar appointments

With the new "Time" tab, time tracking from your Outlook calendar appointments is seamlessly integrated - a feature that you already know from the InLoox Web App. This feature is now also available directly in Outlook with the Modern Add-in.

Zeiterfassung von Outlook Kalenderterminen - InLoox für Outlook Modern Add-in

How it works:

  • View your Outlook appointments: You can see your appointments directly in the side panel under "Time". You can navigate back and forth in time using the scroll wheel, open the appointment via the details or participate directly in online appointments with a meeting link.
  • One-click time tracking: To track the time for an appointment, select a project in the first step. Then create the time entry with just one click on the Track button.
  • Customizable details: If required, adjust the details such as the duration of the appointment to track the time spent on each project precisely.
  • Select relevant appointments: Simply ignore non-relevant appointments such as private appointments.

You can also define some general settings:

  • Show or hide ignored appointments in the appointment list
  • Show or hide private appointments in the appointment list
  • Track the appointment description in the time tracking entry
  • Open time entry automatically after creation

You can read all details in the help article: functionalities of the InLoox for Outlook Modern Add-in »


Further improvements in the Modern Outlook Add-in

With the new icon of a small green arrow, you can now jump directly from the add-in to the corresponding location in the InLoox web app (in the browser). You can find this arrow icon in tasks, for example, next to the project name or the activity entered.


Improvements in Gantt planning: New features and optimized user experience

With each new version, we work to further improve the Gantt planning in InLoox - and the current update brings with it some particularly popular customer requests. Here are the most important new features you can look forward to:

  • New UX/UI in the toolbar: The navigation bar has been redesigned to make it more user-friendly. Green buttons now represent visual changes to the planning, such as zoom functions, while purple buttons represent actual changes to the planning, such as creating or removing dependencies. For a cleaner toolbar, some features have been moved to the three-dot menu on the far right, including auto-save and the critical path.
  • Project planning - Green buttons for visual changes & purple buttons for actual changes

  • Adjustable row height: In the three-dot menu (see image above), you can now adjust the line height and choose between the options Small, Medium, Large and Very large to adapt the view to your needs.
  • Time intervals in the Gantt chart: You will also find a new "Latest dates" slider in the three-point menu (see image above). This shows the maximum time until which you can postpone your planning elements without jeopardizing the critical path and causing time-critical problems.
  • Hide tasks: With the new green "Hide tasks" button, you can hide tasks in the Gantt chart to streamline the view and focus on the activities that are most important to you at the moment.
  • Show fine granular view of the levels: You can now use the "Expand/collapse levels" button to granularly select which levels should be displayed. You no longer have to show or hide all layers across the board. Instead, you can decide whether only the top level, the levels up to the second, third, fourth, [...] up to the eighth level or all levels should be displayed.

    Planung - Ebenen beliebig erweitern und reduzieren

  • Time tracking on tasks in the planning: Time tracking is now also available directly in the Gantt chart. You can now book times directly to your projects in the tasks in the Gantt.

    Zeiterfassung auf Aufgaben, ausgehend von der Gantt-Planung

  • Dependency editor: The new dependency editor makes it even easier to edit dependencies between planning elements. Double-clicking on a dependency line in the Gantt chart opens the editor, in which you can make all adjustments, such as changing the type, directly without having to open the details of individual elements.

    Planung: Abhängigkeiten zwischen Vorgängen schnell bearbeiten

Do you need help with your project planning? Then you are welcome to read the appropriate help article on project planning »


News in the tasks

Tasks as a list view in the project

Already known: The Kanban board

So far, you can manage your tasks in the project using the Kanban board, in which tasks go through different phases from "To Do" to "Done". This visual representation helps you to keep track of the progress of your projects.

New: The list view for tasks

There is now a new, additional way to manage your tasks: the list view. At the top left of the task overview, you can now switch between the Kanban view and the new list view.

Aufgaben in Kanban- und Listenansicht

This list view works in a similar way to the global task list, but only refers to the tasks of the selected project. This allows you to display the tasks of a project in a compact and clear way. You have additional functionalities with the list view:

  • Show and hide columns: Customize the view to your needs by displaying all relevant details.
  • Sort, filter and group: Organize your tasks efficiently by sorting, filtering and grouping according to various criteria.

For detailed information on usage, please read our general help article: List views » and the help article: Tasks »


Task list: New column "Assigned by"

With InLoox 11.13, we are not only expanding the task management with the list view in the project, but also with a new, useful column: "Assigned by".

Aufgabenliste: Spalte "Zugewiesen von"

In InLoox, tasks can be assigned to a resource or person who is then responsible for completing them. With the new "Assigned by" column, you can now see directly who has delegated a task. Typically, this is the project manager or project planner who distributes the tasks within the team. This new column makes tracking easier, increases transparency in task management within your team and allows questions to be clarified more quickly.

Tip You can find an overview of all columns in InLoox here.


News in document management

SharePoint sites can be configured per project

As of InLoox 11.13, you now have the option of configuring the SharePoint site and library individually for each project. As known from the last release, the folder structure must first be initialized for a newly created project. From now on, you can decide whether you want to use the default location defined in the settings for this or whether you want to select a different SharePoint site and library for the project.

SharePoint Site und Bibliothek für Projekt auswählen

The corresponding drop-down menu shows you the possible options so that you can configure the SharePoint location better and more precisely for each project. For example, you can also connect SharePoint sites or document folders from Microsoft Teams channels. This flexibility allows for more precise and customized management of your project files.

More information can be found in the help article on documents » and help article on document settings »


Open SharePoint documents in the local app

With InLoox 11.13, you can now open and edit SharePoint documents not only online, but also in the local app. This new feature gives you the flexibility to decide where you want to edit your files, depending on your preferences and working habits.

This new function applies to both cloud and on-premise installations.

Please note The prerequisite is that the project folder is synchronized locally with Microsoft OneDrive.

You can read all about the documents in the corresponding Help article: upload, edit, coment or delete files »


Open documents from file server

Please note This point is only relevant for InLoox OnPrem in combination with file server as document storage.

For security reasons, modern browsers generally prevent documents from being opened directly from a local network/directory. In order to edit a document, it previously had to be downloaded before it could be edited. In order for all colleagues to have access to the changed file, it had to be uploaded again after the change.

Now InLoox provides a small application for Windows, the so-called "InLoox Desktop Tools". This allows you to conveniently open and directly edit documents.

Dokumente in lokaler App öffnen

Further details and instructions on how to install the InLoox Desktop Tools can be found in the help article: Open documents from file server »


Settings: Possibility for mandatory Login via MS365

With InLoox 11.13, administrators now have the option of enforcing login for all users in the account via Microsoft 365. Specifically, this means that users can no longer use the classic email/password combination, but can only log in to InLoox with their Microsoft 365 account.

This option can be activated in the user management of the InLoox account settings. You also have the option of only activating authentication for a specific domain.

InLoox Settings - Mandatory Login via Microsoft account

This setting not only provides a more convenient login option for users, but also increases security. As Microsoft 365 relies on modern authentication protocols and security mechanisms when logging in, the susceptibility to password theft and other security risks is reduced. Especially in the enterprise context, this enables the efficient implementation of often prevalent policy specifications.

Furhter instructions to activate this setting can be found in the Help article: Mandatory login with MS365 »


Financials: Diverse improvements

More power in the project finances: the power and convenience of the InLoox list functionality is now also available in the financials.

With this expansion step, you can now:

  • Create your own fields for financial entries and show them as columns.
  • Edit the individual data fields inline with one click.
  • Change the order of the entries in the finance plans using drag-and-drop.
  • In advanced mode, you can not only sort the columns, but also filter them.
  • You can also group by column in advanced mode.

You can read all the details about finances in the Help article: Financials »

Bonus There is a new dashboard for the budget overview that you can download here.


Project manage page: Improved division dropdown

The project management page has been equipped with an improved division dropdown. This field now displays the divisions defined in the settings in a clear tree structure and also offers a search function - perfect for large companies with complex division structures and multiple locations.

Projektbetreuung - Abteilungs-Dropdown als Baumstruktur und Suche


Project selection: Search for clients

Imagine you receive an email from a customer and create a task from it. You want to assign the right project for this task, but you can't think of the exact project name at the moment. No problem!

From now on, you can also search for the client in the "Projects" field within tasks. You will then be shown all projects for which the company you are looking for is entered as a client.

In Projektfeld nach Kunde suchen


Simultaneous creation of project requests & projects: More flexibility for users with appropriate rights

From version 11.13, you no longer have to decide whether a person can create projects or project requests. You can now use both workflows in parallel. In the settings, you can give a person both the Create projects and the Create project requests permission.

You can read all the details in this Help article: Permissions »


New report datasources

We have made some new data fields available to enable even more detailed reports:

  • Custom fields from projects are now also available in the time tracking data source. This allows complex filter scenarios and groupings to be implemented in time tracking reports.
  • The data structure Project -> Task -> Time tracking entries is now available. This allows new and finely structured reports to be created for time tracking entries.
  • Comments from the sub-data source are now also available for time tracking entries in order to display even more details on individual entries.