Global in-depth search in InLoox

KEY FEATURE InLoox 11.16

Speed up your search - with the new central search in InLoox

The new central search in InLoox 11.16 saves you time and effort when searching for information. Instead of laboriously switching between modules, you can search projects, tasks, documents, plans, time entries and contacts simultaneously - all on a single interface.

Intelligent search options such as multiple terms, partial search and exact match help you to find exactly what you need.

Read the details »

KEY FEATURE InLoox 11.16

More power for your Outlook integration - now also in MS Teams!

InLoox 11.16 makes your project work more seamless than ever: The Modern Add-in is now also available for On-Prem users with Microsoft Exchange Server, and a new module extension brings the features of the InLoox Web App directly into your Outlook.

New: The official InLoox app for Microsoft Teams - for maximum flexibility and collaboration!

Read more here »

Funktionen von InLoox auch in Outlook und MS Teams verfügbar

January 02, 2025

Global in-depth search

InLoox 11.16 introduces a central search function that allows you to find relevant information from different areas in a matter of seconds. Instead of laboriously switching between modules, you can search everything at the same time.

Simply enter a term in the central search mask and receive results from all relevant areas. You can filter the results by All, Projects, Tasks, Documents, Planning, Time and People.

In-depth search in InLoox

Your search options:

  • Multiple terms: If you enter several search terms, all of these terms must appear in at least one of the searched fields. This means that you will only receive results that really contain all the words you have entered.
  • Partial search: You do not always have to enter the complete term - just entering half of a word or at least 3 letters will return hits in which this part occurs.
  • Exact match: Use quotation marks to search for exact terms or phrases that contain this exact expression.

For a detailed overview of exactly which fields are searched and what exceptions there are, read our help article: search.

Note All search results are filtered according to your user permissions. This means that only data records to which the user has access are displayed - in compliance with data protection and security regulations.


News for the InLoox for Outlook Modern Add-in

Now available for InLoox On-Prem with Microsoft Exchange Server

You can now also use the InLoox for Outlook Modern Add-in in your on-prem environment with Microsoft Exchange Server. Benefit from seamless Outlook workflows and extend your InLoox capabilities to create tasks directly from emails, save attachments in projects and integrate your project work into Outlook.

Info The installation must be done by the Microsoft Exchange administrator.

Click here for the system requirements & installation instructions.


Module extension: Use the InLoox Web App conveniently in Outlook

Look forward to a new Outlook experience! With the new module extension in the InLoox Modern Add-in, you now have the user interface of the InLoox Web App directly in Outlook. Access your workspace, projects, tasks, time, finances, workload, dashboards and reports and use the most important functions without leaving Outlook. This makes project management even easier and faster!

Read the details in the Hhelp article on the InLoox for Outlook Modern Add-in.

InLoox for Outlook module extension


InLoox now available for Microsoft Teams

InLoox 11.16 makes collaboration even easier: a specially developed InLoox app for Microsoft Teams is now available. This gives you direct access to your project content such as projects, tasks, time entries and more - without having to leave Teams.

The operation of the app is based on the familiar InLoox web app, so you will find your way around immediately. Whether you want to check project progress, update tasks or track times - everything works seamlessly within Teams.

Download the app from the Microsoft AppSource and bring your project work directly into your Teams environment! For installation details, read the help article on InLoox in Microsoft Teams.

InLoox for Teams


Publish planning elements across projects

In many companies, different departments work closely together - this often results in dependencies between projects that also need to be taken into account in planning. With the new “Publish” feature for planning elements, you can do just that: Activities or milestones from one project can now be displayed in one or more other projects.

This means

  • Centralized maintenance: The planning element remains editable in the original project and is automatically updated in the linked projects.
  • Transparent dependencies: Time adjustments are immediately visible in all linked projects.
  • Efficient planning: Complex, cross-project structures can be displayed and coordinated more easily.

This allows you to maintain an overview at all times, even in networked projects, avoid redundant work and ensure greater transparency within the team.

Planungselemente veröffentlichen

More Information on this feature can be found in the help article: publlish planning elements in other projects.


Improved list views - faster, clearer, more efficient

In InLoox 11.16, we have significantly optimized the list views for tasks - both in the global task list and in the project-specific views.

The new features at a glance:

  • Standard groupings: Frequently used groupings, such as by Project & Task Status or Project & Assigned To, can now be conveniently selected using the “Group by” button. This takes you to the desired view even faster.

Standard grouping possibilities in the task list

  • Direct links to projects: When grouped by project, new links take you directly to the relevant project, where you can see all the details at a glance.
  • Columns are retained: If you drag a column for grouping upwards into the relevant area, it will now still remain visible as a separate column in the list view. This gives you an even better overview of all relevant information.
  • Inline editing: Fields such as status, resource, name and billable can now be edited directly in the list. This allows you to make adjustments even faster without having to switch to the task details.

InLoox Aufgabenliste inline editieren

Details can be found in the help article: Group, filter and sort task list views.


InLoox Web Appnow available in additional languages

The web app is becoming even more international: in addition to German and English, French, Italian and Spanish are now also available.

The language can be easily changed in the personal settings under “My profile” - so even more teams worldwide can work efficiently and conveniently with InLoox.

Selection of the language: German, English, Spanish, French and Italian

All Details can be found in the help article: Language


Unde/Redo in the dashboard designer

Working in the Dashboard Designer is now even more flexible: With the new undo and redo arrows, you can easily undo or reapply changes. This allows you to quickly correct and test adjustments - for an even more user-friendly handling of your dashboards!

Rückgängig machen & Wiederherstellen im Dashboard-Designer

All information can be found in the help article: dashboards.

Tip If you would like to work intensively with dashboards, we recommend our dashboard training course - where you will learn how to create your own dashboards perfectly tailored to your needs! 


New color picker - create individual colors

We have expanded the color picker to offer you even more design options. Whether status colors in Kanban, tasks or planning elements in Gantt - with the new color palette you can now design your elements even more individually.

Simply select a color with a mouse click or enter the hex code of your desired color. The selected colors can be saved and used flexibly at any time according to your needs.

Create custom colors


Send comments to your own mail address

You now have the option of being notified of your own comments by e-mail. If you address @Role (e.g. @Team or @Project manager) in a comment and belong to this role yourself, you will automatically receive a notification. Alternatively, you can also address yourself directly via @Name.

This ensures that you do not miss any important communication updates - whether via roles, task followers or specific personal addresses.

You can read all the details in the help articles on comments and in the help article on notifications.


Adjust the order of rules for conditional formatting

With conditional formatting, you can automatically change the color appearance of cells, texts or other elements based on certain criteria or conditions. This allows you to highlight important information quickly and clearly.

In InLoox 11.16, you now have the option of flexibly adjusting and moving the order of your rules. This is particularly helpful if several rules apply to the same cells or columns, as the style of the last condition always applies.

Conditional formats: Change order of rules

Your can read more about this topic in the help article on conditional formatting.