InLoox for Microsoft Teams

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The integration of InLoox in Microsoft Teams enables direct access to important project information. In contrast to InLoox Web App, you will find the individual menu items, i.e. workplace, projects, tasks, time, workload, etc., arranged horizontally at the top. However, editing your projects is no different; you can carry out all activities as usual.


App installation in Teams for InLoox 11


  • Activate sideloading in the Teams admin settings: Make sure that the sideloading of apps is activated in the Teams admin settings. This is usually a task for the IT administrator. In the Teams admin settings, there is an option to enable sideloading for your organization or specific teams.


Installation of the InLoox App in Teams

There are several ways to install the InLoox App in Teams:


Self-installation directly in Microsoft Teams

Requirement Usage of one of the InLoox cloud editions (InLoox Professional or InLoox Enterprise) with Microsoft Teams.

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Navigate to Apps in the bottom left corner. In the search bar, search for "inloox".

    Search Teams Apps for InLoox

  3. Click on Add for the "InLoox" app.

    InLoox App in the Microsoft Teams In-App Store

  4. After successful installation, the message “Added successfully” appears. Click on Open.

    InLoox App added successfully

  5. InLoox will then appear in the app bar on the left-hand side and the app will open. Tip To ensure that the app is permanently displayed in the app bar, we recommend right-clicking on it and then clicking on Pin.

    Pin InLoox App in side bar & Sign in

  6. Now click on Sign in to InLoox and log in as usual.


Self-installation via the Microsoft AppSource

Requirement Use of one of the InLoox cloud editions (InLoox Professional or InLoox Enterprise) with Microsoft Teams.

  1. Visit the page Alternatively, you can also search for InLoox manually in the Microsoft AppSource.
  2. For the “InLoox” app (not to be confused with the app InLoox for Outlook), click on Get it now.

    InLoox App in Microsoft AppSource

  3. You will then be redirected to Microsoft 365. Then click on Open Microsoft Teams. Alternatively, you can also use the web app. InLoox will now be installed automatically in Microsoft Teams.

    Microsoft Teams Anwendung öffnen

  4. After successful installation, you can find InLoox in the app bar on the left-hand side. Tip To ensure that the app is permanently displayed in the app bar, we recommend pinning it by right-clicking and then clicking on Pin.

    Pin InLoox App in side bar & Sign in

  5. Now click on Sign In to InLoox and log in as usual.


Installation by the Microsoft Teams Admin

You can upload the InLoox app also as a custom app in Teams.

Herefore you need the ZIP file of the InLoox for Teams app, which contains all the necessary components of the app, such as the manifest and the associated resources.

  • Users of InLoox OnPrem can download this file themselves in the InLoox account settings under Integrations (Info Administrator rights are required)
  • Users of InLoox cloud editions are recommended to install the app via the MS App Source (see above). However you can also request the ZIP file from us by mail

To install the app, please proceed as follows:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Navigate to Apps in the bottom left corner.
  3. In the App Store interface at the bottom left, select Manage your apps and then Upload an app. The exact naming may vary depending on which version of Teams you are using.

    Microsoft Teams - Manage apps and upload InLoox app

  4. Select Upload a custom app and navigate to the ZIP file of your Teams app on your computer. Select the file and confirm the upload.
  5. After uploading, you may need to confirm some permissions or settings. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
  6. After successful installation, you can find InLoox in the app bar on the left-hand side or under Apps.
    Tip To ensure that the app is permanently displayed in the app bar, we recommend right-clicking on the app and then clicking on Pin.

    Pin InLoox App in side bar & Sign in

  7. Now click on Sign In to InLoox and log in as usual.