Every budget can have as many budget items as needed. Follow these steps to create a new budget position:
1. Navigate to Projects >> Start >> Budgets and open an existing budget or create a new budget.
2. Go to the tab Budget Items and click on New Budget Item.
3. Edit the newly created budget item in the side panel
- Line Item:
- Group - Each group has their own purchase and sales price, which are necessary for generating the budget sum. The following groups are saved in the InLoox options by default: Draft, Production, Consulting, and Maintenance.
You can edit or create new groups in the InLoox options.
- Template – Choose a template for the chosen group. A template is relevant for the pricing as it determines which quantities and units will be used to determine the budget.
- General:
- Name and Description – Assign your budget item a clear name and, if necessary, add a description to further clarify the item.
- Pricing:
- Quantity – Define how many units an item should include. For example, if you would like to bill 90 minutes of consulting as an hourly value, enter the number 1,5.
- Unit(s) – Units are defined in the options, which is why the unit depends on which group you have chosen in General. A unit can be for example: Minutes, Hours or Days.
- Sales and Purchase Price – The prices are automatically taken from the values you have defined in the InLoox Options. You can also manually define the sales and purchase prices. These changes won’t have an impact on the settings in the Options.
Taxes are included in the prices, as InLoox only calculates with net prices.
- Total – The quantity will either be multiplied with the sales or purchase prices, depending on the budget type. You can identify the price that was used for the calculation by the yellow highlight. With a mouse over on the information icon, you will also get an explanation as to why the budget was used for the calculation.
- Details:
- Performed by – The person who created the budget item will always be assigned to it by default. You can assign another person to the budget by clicking on […] and choose someone from your address book.
- Provision date – The current date is automatically stated. You can manually change the date to the appropriate time.
It is also possible to copy a budget item from another budget or project: Use the commands CTRL+C (copy) and CTRL+V (paste), or alternatively use the copy and paste buttons in the ribbon in the tab Budget Items.
You can’t add any new budget items for the automatically created budgets Expense (actual, time tracking) and Expense (plan, resources). All items are automatically taken from the time tracking or the resources’ tasks and editing is restricted. If you want to edit an item from one of these two budgets, you will have to do so in the respective time tracking entry or the respective task.