The status defines different project conditions and degrees of completion. You can edit the status of a project on the Management page.
In the InLoox options you can define as many project statuses as needed. Each status is connected to the project progress as a percentage.
Create a new project status
1. Open the InLoox options by clicking on File in the upper left corner. Afterwards click on the InLoox options button
2. Select General Options and click on Project Statuses.
3. To save your changes click on OK or Apply.
Edit and delete already existing statuses
- Choose a status from the list and click on Edit to customize the chosen status.
- Click on Delete to remove a chosen status from the project status list.
Effects of creating, editing and deleting a project status
- Adding a new status won’t affect existing projects.
- Changing the sequence in the status list has no effects on existing projects.
- Editing a status (e.g. name, progress in %) immediately affects all relevant projects.
- Deleting a status affects all projects that used it. Those stay without a status until the user manually chooses another status in the project.