Create a reminder

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By using reminders you can create automatic follow-ups for tasks that are not finished yet. You can create reminders for every time tracking entry. Additionally, you have the possibility to create a reminder for other persons. Reminders can be created either in the time tracking view within a project or in the time tracking overview over all projects.


How to create a reminder in the time tracking overview 

1. Click on the InLoox now or InLoox PM tab and then select Time. The time tracking overview over all projects opens and shows all time tracking entries of all projects you are allowed to access.  

2. Select a time tracking entry from the list. Afterwards click on Create Reminder in the Start tab. 

3. A new dialog box will open:

4. To save the reminder, click on OK


How to create a reminder in the time tracking view within a project

1. Open an already existing project and click on Time in the Start tab. The time tracking overview of your project opens and shows all time tracking entries of the project.  

2. Select a time tracking entry from the list. Afterwards click on Create Reminder in the Edit tab. 

3. A new dialog box will open:

4. To save the reminder, click on OK