Add tasks to your project plan

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We advise to only add tasks to your project plan once you have completed your project structure and established logical dependencies and added time constraints. As soon as you add tasks to your planning elements, you can no longer edit the planning element. You would have to remove the tasks again.

You can add tasks to your project plan in two ways:

  1. Drag and drop existing project tasks to your Gantt-chart.
  2. Create project tasks manually in your Gantt-chart. How this works, you will learn in this article.


Add new project tasks manually

Follow the next steps to create new project tasks and add them to project elements in your Gantt-chart.

1. Click on the activity or milestone to which you want to assign a task.

2. In the tab Edit, click on New Task

3. The new task is created and is given the name of the activity or milestone to which it has been assigned. 

4. You can rename the task directly in the planning list. Alternatively you can enter all the relevant information for the task also in the side panel that opens on the right side. As with the name, the task’s start and end date, as well as the effort are the same as the activity or milestone it has been assigned to.