Show the workload in the resource overview

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Please note The workload overview only shows the workload and allocation of tasks that have a start and end date.

The resource overview shows you a visual overview of the workload allocation during the specified date range. You can decide which resource’s workloads you want to see in the resources and workload allocation overview. Your own, project-independent tasks are also displayed in the workload overview.  

Follow these steps to show the workload in the resources and workload overview:

  1. Open the workload overview as described in the chapter Open the resources and workload allocation overview.
  2. Select a group from the Divisions and Teams side panel for which you want to show the allocation. To do so, drag-and-drop the group into the list on the left. For example, drag the group Your Company into the list to show the workload allocation of your entire company.  
  3. If you want to see how the workload is divided between the departments within your company, you can open the subordinate groups by expanding the group My Company. To do so just click on the arrow next to the group you want to expand, or expand the group by clicking on the ribbon Expand All