Use the Top Bar to quickly create a New Task and navigate to the Workplace by clicking on the InLoox Logo from every page of InLoox Web App. Click on if you wish to upgrade your InLoox Web App edition and access the settings by clicking on your name.
If you click on (recent projects) you can access your recently created projects. You see how many notifications
from the Chat and the project notes you have received and how many new tasks have been assigned to you.
Alerts notify you about upcoming tasks. Click on these icons, and you can directly go to the respective chat discussion, the project notes and newly assigned tasks as well as your upcoming tasks.
If you have purchased several license keys or if you want to invite colleagues to your InLoox Web App test account, please click on . Enter a valid email address of the person you want to invite, select the language (English or German) the email should be written in and click
. The invited person receives an email with a link to your InLoox Web App account and is asked to select their own password.
IMPORTANT As soon as you invite someone to your InLoox Web App account, a new contact form is created for this person. It is advisable for you, as administrator of the account, to go to Options and then to Permissions-User Based Permissions to give the invited person full access to InLoox Web App. To do so, please click on in the person's tab and then click Select All. Now, the newly invited person has all the necessary permissions to access every area of InLoox Web App. This is especially important during the initial testing-phase, when you want to fully experience all the collaborative features InLoox Web App offers.