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The dashboard allows you to view many areas of your projects at a glance. It provides a quick overview of the current project information without having to open the individual projects. Views can be configured individually for each user.

Tip For advanced users, we recommend our dashboard and reports workshop to enable you to work independently with the extensive and sometimes complex functions (available both as on-site training and online training).


Access Dashboards

Dashboard Templates

Import & Export Dashboards

Dashboard Designer

Access Dashboards 

To access the dashboards, open the InLoox Web App and click on Dashboards in the left-hand menu in the Business Intelligence section.

Dashboards im InLoox Menü

Dashboard Templates

InLoox Web App has several dashboard templates that we provide you with and which are ready-to-use. These are

  • Project KPIs
  • Project Milestones
  • Task Insights
  • Resource Insights
  • Resource Effort Plan-Actual
  • Financials Plan-Actual
  • Project Value
  • Budget Overview

Info If you have been an existing customer for some time, it is possible that you still have our older templates in your system. You can download the new templates here and afterwards import them.

Import & Export Dashboards

Click on the three vertical dots at the top right and then on Manage views.

Dashboard-Ansichten verwalten

Here you will find an overview of all your existing dashboards. You can use the arrows to upload and download the views (json file).

Dashboard-Ansichten importieren und exportieren

If you not only want to download the view as a json file but also export the dashboard itself, select the corresponding dashboard and click on the following symbol in the top right-hand corner:

Dashboard exportieren

To export, choose between exporting as a PDF, image or Excel sheet.

Then adjust the layout settings if needed and download the dashboard by clicking on Export.


Dashboard Designer

You can use the Dashboard Designer to design completely new dashboards or customize existing dashboards according to your needs.


Create new dashboard

Click on the three vertical dots at the top right and then on New Dashboard.

Neues Dashboard

Enter a name for the dashboard and save it.

Neues Dashboard - Namen vergeben

Afterwards, the Dashboard Designer opens.

You can now select the fields that are relevant to you from the various elements on the left and drag and drop them into the dashboard. Examples include text fields, various types of diagrams, tables and many more. You must base these elements on a data source.


If you want to undo an entry, use the Undo/Redo function, which has also been available in the Dashboard Designer since InLoox 11.16. Use the arrows in the top left-hand corner.

Customize an existing dashboard

Select the dashboard you want to customize.

Open the Dashboard Designer by clicking on the Edit Dashboard slider at the top right.

Dashboard Designer in InLoox Web App

Afterwards, the Dashboard Designer opens again. Move or delete individual elements, change the data source or add new elements. This allows you to customize the dashboards according to your needs.