As of InLoox 11.0, your InLoox account and all its apps is updated automatically. This ensures that you always work with the latest InLoox version.
You are notified after an update has been released. Simply follow these instructions:
InLoox Web App aktualisiert sich ohne Ihr Zutun.
InLoox 11 has an automatic update mechanism that always holds the latest version. With the following registry key you can deactivate the automatic updates for a specific client (true: deactivated).
Tip: How do I find out about an update if Automatic Updates has been deactivated?
You can always find the current InLoox version with version number and release date on our website under Support >> Product Download.
In addition, minor releases are announced in our product newsletters. Sign up for the InLoox newsletter to receive them.
The release cycles of InLoox is very short. If your organization has generally disabled software update notifications on employee PCs and laptops, there are some free browser extensions that register changes on web pages at regular intervals and inform you about them, e.g. via e-mail. This gives you the opportunity to track changes on the InLoox product download website, for example.