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Since InLoox 11.0, notifications about changes in InLoox projects are sent centrally via the server. This applies to all InLoox editions.

If you have worked with InLoox PM so far, this means that you can no longer control on-prem notifications individually in InLoox 11 to the extent that you could in InLoox PM up to version 10.2.9.

You can currently customize the following settings:

Customize the header of the notification emails

You can upload an image for the header of the emails:

  1. In InLoox Web App, click on your profile picture in the bottom left corner.
  2. Click Account Settings.
  3. Click Notifications.
  4. Under Customization header image for templates, you can upload a PNG file (600x117px in size).

NOTE This feature is only available in the InLoox Enterprise and InLoox On-Prem editions.

Frequenz der InLoox Benachrichtigungen anpassen

In the InLoox settings, you can adjust the frequency of the notifications about changes in your account that InLoox automatically sends via email.

By default, InLoox sends notifications immediately after changes are made. You as an admin can customize this default setting for the entire InLoox account:

  1. In InLoox Web App, click on your profile picture in the bottom left corner.
  2. Click on Account Settings.
  3. Click on Notifications.
  4. Under Frequency (Default), you can now set the frequency.

However, every InLoox user can personally change this default setting. The user setting has priority over the account default, which is only used as the initial setting for new contacts. This is how you define the personal settings:

  1. In InLoox Web App, click on your profile picture in the bottom left corner.
  2. Click on Account Settings.
  3. Click on Personal.
  4. Under Notifications, you can now select the frequency.

InLoox saves the changes automatically.

Info Some notifications are set by default and their frequency cannot be adjusted. These inlcude:

  • Due date of tasks:
    • for tasks starting today & tasks due today, there is a one-time notification every morning at 6am.
    • For overdue tasks, the notification is sent every hour once a task is already overdue.
  • Administrative notifications (e.g. about invitations of new users) are always sent immediately.

Send a test notification

If you are unsure whether the configuration of the notifications are correct for your InLoox account, you can test them.

  1. In InLoox Web App, click on your profile image and go to the InLoox settings.
  2. Under Personal, go to Send test notification and click on the button Send test notification.
  3. Check your inbox for the InLoox notification email. You may want to also check your spam folder. 

If everything is set up correctly, you should receive the test notification into your inbox shortly.

Should you not receive the test notification, contact your InLoox admin or the person with admin rights and tell them to check the configuration of the InLoox notification settings.


Disable notifications about changes in specific areas

In your personal InLoox settings, you can disable notifications about changes in different InLoox areas. By default, this setting is always enabled.

What notifications exist and who receives them?

Area What? Who?
Projects Changes to master data incl. changes in project start and end date, status, name or deletion of the project Project manager
Projects Changes to project members Added project member
Removed project member
Project comments Creation Project manager
Contacts who are listed as followers in the note
Project comments Deletion Creator of the comment
Project manager
Contacts who are listed as followers in the note
Tasks Changes to master data

Creator of the task

Current resource
Follower of the task

Tasks Completion

Creator of the task

Current resource
Follower of the task

Tasks Change of resource

Creator of the task

Previous resource
New resource
Follower of the task

Tasks Deletion

Creator of the task

Creator of the task (even if the task is delegated to another resource)

Follower of the task

Task comments Creation

Creator of the task

Current resource
Follower of the task
Original creator of the task

Overdue tasks Task end date/time exceeded Current task resource (notification every hour once a task is already overdue)
Due tasks Task end date/time is today  Current task resource (notification once a day at 6am)
Beginning tasks Start date of the task is today Current task resource (notification once a day at 6am)
Milestones and activities Change of master data Project manager
Reports Creation Person who generated the report

Note The person who makes a change is not notified of this change.


How to customize which notifications you want to receive:

In InLoox Web App, click on your profile picture in the bottom left corner.

  1. Click on Account Settings.
  2. Click on Personal.
  3. Under Which , deactivate the slider for the respective area from which you no longer want to receive notifications about changes.

InLoox saves the change automatically.

Note If you have activated some notifications under Which notifications should we send you? but have set the notification frequency to Never, the notification frequency "Never" has priority and the user will not receive any notifications.

Disable notifications for external contacts

You can deactivate the notifications for people who are listed as contacts in your InLoox account and have for example been assigned tasks, but do not have an InLoox login.

  1. In InLoox Web App, click on your profile picture in the bottom left corner.
  2. Click on Account Settings.
  3. Click on Notifications.
  4. Under Notification to external contacts, disable the slider.

InLoox saves the change automatically.