IMPORTANT The division permissions are only available in the InLoox Enterprise and InLoox On-Prem editions!
InLoox permissions - An example
List of user permissions - Global
Rita Meyer is the head of the marketing department. She is responsible for all projects in the marketing department. Besides, she often collaborates with the sales department. In addition, Rita Meyer should also be kept up to date on product development projects in the IT department.
Rita Meyer's employer generally prohibits the deletion of projects and project comments. Therefore, the rights Delete project comments, Delete own project comments and Delete projects are deactivated as global user permission, as division permission and as role permission.
The following settings apply to Rita Meyer:
The global permissions of a user give the person reading and editing permissions for all areas and projects in the InLoox account. Since the InLoox permissions are added, you should grant as few editing permissions as necessary on the user level, but at least:
Create projects: This allows the person to create projects. The person automatically receives the role of project manager. Thus, they can edit this project provided that they receive further editing rights via the role permissions. The person cannot read or edit projects of other InLoox users. This person can only do that if they have a role (lead, team, partner, customer or other) in these projects.
Create project requests: This allows the person to only make a project request. The project request must be approved before all project members can access the project.
IMPORTANT For the project request workflow to work, there must be at least one other person who is allowed to edit and thus approve project requests. This person needs to have the user permission Edit project requests.
Assigning global user permissions
A list of user permissions can be found here.
As of InLoox v11.0, people can be given additional reading and editing permissions based on the project division. This allows people from other divisions to get reading permissions in projects without having to be assigned a role in the project.
For division permissions to take effect, the projects must be assigned to divisions. I.e. you have to:
IMPORTANT It is irrelevant whether a person belongs to a division or not. The division permissions are based on the project's assigned division, not on the person's division affiliation.
A project can only ever be assigned to one division!
Assigning user permissions for divisons
Continue in this way until the person has been given permissions in all relevant divisions.
A list of division permissions can be found here.
Each person gets additional reading and editing permissions via role assignment in projects. You can define the permissions of the project roles according to your needs. Below you will find InLoox best practice tips for role settings.
IMPORTANT These role permissions apply to all projects in your InLoox account.
Project Manager: Should have full read and edit rights. Appropriate restrictions can be:
Team: Appropriate reading and editing permissions for project members are:
Customer: We recommend giving customers, both internal and external, read-only permissions. Customers can be created in the settings under Organization >> General >> Customers.
IMPORTANT in order to give external customers reading permissions, they have to be provided with a user license for your InLoox account.
Useful reading permissions for customers can be:
Partner: It may be useful to assign limited editing permissions to partners, who, for example, may have to report back on tasks assigned to them or may have to comment on tasks.
Useful reading and editing permissions can be:
More: Use this role for department heads or middle/higher management, for example.
Assign role permissions
You can find a list of role permissions here.
Permission | Description | Constraints/Prerequisites |
Create projects | User can create new projects. | None |
Create project requests | User can create a project request and submit it for approval. | Note: Since InLoox 11.13, users may have both, the permission to create project requests and to create projects. |
Edit project requests | User may approve project requests. Important: for the project request workflow, at least one person on the InLoox Account must have the permission to create project requests and another person must have the permission to edit, thus approve, project requests. |
None |
Read projects | User may read the project list. User may open a project and read the manage site. User may select these projects for reports. |
Prerequesite for reports: Use existing reports is enabled. |
Read project comments | User may read project comments on the manage site. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read checklists | User may read project checklists. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read mind maps | User may read project mind maps. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read tasks | User may read every project tast on the Kanban board. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read planning | User may read the Gantt chart with every visible panning item. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read time entries | User may read all the time entries in a specific project. User may also read all the time entries in the global time list. |
Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read own time entries | User may read only their own time entries in a project. User may only see their own time entries in the global time list. |
Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read documents | User may read and open project documents. User may read and open documents in the global documents list. |
Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read budgets | User may read every project budget, budget entry and budget overview. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Edit projects | User may open and edit projects. This permission must be enabled for every subsequent editint permission to be effective. |
Edit manage | User may edit the project data on the manage site. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit project contacts | User may assigne people to project roles on the project's manage site. User may remove people from or add people to the various project roles. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Create project comments | User may post a comment on the project's manage site. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Delete project comments | User may delete all the project comments, their own and the ones posted by others, on the project's manage site. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Delete own project comments | User may only delete their own project comments. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Lock projects | User may lock a project and prevent others from editing this project. Others can only unlock the project if they too have the permission Lock projects. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Edit checklists | User may edit the project's chechlist, create new checklists and delete checklists. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit mind maps | User may edit the project's mind maps, create new mind maps and delete mind maps. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit tasks | User may create their own tasks (without an assigned project) and project tasks on the Kanban board of a project. User may also create tasks in the project Gantt chart. User may edit and delete existing tasks and project tasks. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit planning | User may edit the project's Gantt chart. kann eine Projektplanung im Gantt-Chart anlegen. User may edit the planning elements and delete them. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit time entries | User may create time entries for themselves and other account users. User may edit existing time entries and delete existing time entries, their own and those of others. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit own time entries | User may only create their own time entries. User may only edit and delete their own time entries. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Allow backdating time entries | In combination with permission Edit time entries: User may backdate every time entry, their own and those of others. In combination with permission Edit own time entries: User may only backdate their own time entries. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit documents | User may edit and delete existing documents, and add new documents. User may add documents to tasks, Gantt chart elements, time entries and budget entries. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit budgets | User may edit and delete existing budgets and budget entries, as well as create new budgets and budget entries. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Delete projects | User may delete projects. Important: we strongly advise to only archive projects with project data for QA and auditing integrity. |
None |
Use existing reports | User may us the standard reports in InLoox. | Prerequisite: at least Read projects is enabled. The InLoox report generator filters all the data according to the users' respective permissions. If a user e.g. lacks the permission Read budgets, then no budget data will be in the report. |
Edit existing reports | User may edit and delete existing reports as well as create and save new ones. | None |
Administrator | User has full access to the InLoox settings and change them any time. Beware: With great power comes great responsiblity. | None |
Permission | Description | Constraints / Prerequisites |
Edit project requests | User may approve project requests that are assigned to the respective deivision. Important: for the project request workflow, at least one person on the InLoox Account must have the permission to create project requests and another person must have the permission to edit, thus approve, project requests. |
None |
Read projects | User may read the projects that are assigned to the respective division in the project list. User may open a project from that list and read the manage site. User may select these projects for reports. |
Prerequesite for reports: Use existing reports is enabled. |
Read project comments | User may read project comments on the manage site. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read checklists | User may read project checklists. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read mind maps | User may read project mind maps. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read tasks | User may read every project tast on the Kanban board. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read planning | User may read the Gantt chart with every visible panning item. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read time entries | User may read all the time entries in a specific project. User may also read all the time entries in the global time list. |
Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read own time entries | User may read only their own time entries in a project. User may only see their own time entries in the global time list. |
Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read documents | User may read and open project documents. User may read and open documents in the global documents list. |
Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read budgets | User may read every project budget, budget entry and budget overview. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Edit projects | User may open and edit projects. This permission must be enabled for every subsequent editint permission to be effective. |
Edit manage | User may edit the project data on the manage site. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit project contacts | User may assign people to project roles on the project's manage site. User may remove people from or add people to the various project roles. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled |
User may post a comment on the project's manage site. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled |
Delete project comments | User may delete all the project comments, their own and the ones posted by others, on the project's manage site. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled |
Delete own project comments | User may only delete their own project comments. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled |
Lock projects | User may lock a project and prevent others from editing this project. Others can only unlock the project if they too have the permission Lock projects. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled |
Edit checklists | User may edit the project's chechlist, create new checklists and delete checklists. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit mind maps | User may edit the project's mind maps, create new mind maps and delete mind maps. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit tasks | User may create their own tasks (without an assigned project) and project tasks on the Kanban board of a project. User may also create tasks in the project Gantt chart. User may edit and delete existing tasks and project tasks. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit planning | User may edit the project's Gantt chart. User may edit the planning elements and delete them. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit time entries | User may create time entries for themselves and other account users. User may edit existing time entries and delete existing time entries, their own and those of others. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit own time entries | User may only create their own time entries. User may only edit and delete their own time entries. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Allow backdating time entries | In combination with permission Edit time entries: User may backdate every time entry, their own and those of others. In combination with permission Edit own time entries: User may only backdate their own time entries. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit documents | User may edit and delete existing documents and add new documents. User may add documents to tasks, Gantt chart elements, time entries and budget entries. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit budgets | User may edit and delete existing budgets and budget entries, as well as create new budgets and budget entries. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Delete projects | User may delete projects. Important: we strongly advise to only archive projects with project data for QA and auditing integrity. |
None |
Edit existing reports | User may edit and delete existing reports as well as create and save new ones. | Prerequisite: at least Read projects is enabled. The InLoox report generator filters all the data according to the users' respective division permissions. If a user e.g. lacks the division permission Read budgets, then no budget data will be in the report. |
These permissions only take effect when a user is assigned to a role (e.g. team) in a project.
The role-based permissions are combined with the global user permissions and the divisions permissions.
Permission | Description | Constraints / Prerequisites |
Read projects | User may read the project list. User may open a project and read the manage site. User may select these projects for reports. |
Prerequesite for reports: Use existing reports is enabled. |
Read project comments | User may read project comments on the manage site. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read checklists | User may read project checklists. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read mind maps | User may read project mind maps. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read tasks | User may read every project tast on the Kanban board. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read planning | User may read the Gantt chart with every visible panning item. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read time entries | User may read all the time entries in a specific project. User may also read all the time entries in the global time list. |
Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read own time entries | User may read only their own time entries in a project. User may only see their own time entries in the global time list. |
Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read documents | User may read and open project documents. User may read and open documents in the global documents list. |
Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Read budgets | User may read every project budget, budget entry and budget overview. | Prerequisite: Read projects is enabled. |
Edit projects | User may open and edit projects. This permission must be enabled for every subsequent editing permission to be effective. |
Edit manage | User may edit the project data on the manage site. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit project contacts | User may assign people to project roles on the project's manage site. User may remove people from or add people to the various project roles. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Create project comments | User may post a comment on the project's manage site. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Delete project comments | User may delete all the project comments, their own and the ones posted by others, on the project's manage site. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Delete own project comments | User may only delete their own project comments. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Lock projects | User may lock a project and prevent others from editing this project. Others can only unlock the project if they too have the permission Lock projects. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. Edit manage is enabled. |
Edit checklists | User may edit the project's chechlist, create new checklists and delete checklists. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit mind maps | User may edit the project's mind maps, create new mind maps and delete mind maps. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit tasks | User may create their own tasks (without an assigned project) and project tasks on the Kanban board of a project. User may also create tasks in the project Gantt chart. User may edit and delete existing tasks and project tasks. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit planning | User may edit the project's Gantt chart. User may edit the planning elements and delete them. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit time entries | User may create time entries for themselves and other account users. User may edit existing time entries and delete existing time entries, their own and those of others. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit own time entries | User may only create their own time entries. User may only edit and delete their own time entries. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Allow backdating time entries | In combination with permission Edit time entries: User may backdate every time entry, their own and those of others. In combination with permission Edit own time entries: User may only backdate their own time entries. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit documents | User may edit and delete existing documents and add new documents. User may add documents to tasks, Gantt chart elements, time entries and budget entries. |
Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Edit budgets | User may edit and delete existing budgets and budget entries, as well as create new budgets and budget entries. | Prerequisite: Edit projects is enabled. |
Delete projects | User may delete projects. Important: we strongly advise to only archive projects with project data for QA and auditing integrity. |
None |
Use existing reports | User may use the standard reports in InLoox. | Prerequisite: at least Read projects is enabled. The InLoox report generator filters all the data according to the users' respective permissions. If a user e.g. lacks the permission Read budgets, then no budget data will be in the report. |
If you want every user of the InLoox account to be able to invite people, you have to activate this permission.
This allows all users of this InLoox account to add more people by clicking on their profile picture >> Field: Enter email address to invite.
For automatic or manual distribution of user licenses, read this help article.