With conditional formatting, you can automatically change the appearance of cells, text and other elements based on specific criteria or conditions. Specifically, you can create rules based on conditions for important project information or key figures so that the respective field or the entire row is highlighted (in color) when the condition is met.
Application: Conditional formatting is particularly suitable for optimally structuring the project list, for example to highlight data, visualize trends or simply improve the readability of your data. It can also be used in project controlling as an early warning system for critical projects.
Create a rule - Example with reference value
Create a rule - Example with two related fields
Create a rule - Example with dynamic date operators
Application of formatting rules - rows and cells
FAQs about Conditional Formats
We start with a simple formatting. This compares the value of a field with a defined reference value (condition). In the following example, the projects in the project list whose actual expenditure is above a specified value should be highlighted in red.
1. Start InLoox Web App and call up the project list by clicking on Projects in the menu on the left.
2. Click on the button at the top right and then on + Add Rule to create a formatting rule for the project list.
3. Now define the condition:
4. Select the style, i.e. which color change should be made when the condition occurs.
For example, we select the red marker with the name 'Danger'.
5. Finally, under Assign To, you can select whether the color formatting should be applied to the full row or just a single field. If you choose the second option, select a specific field. In the example, we select the full row.
6. You have now completely defined your formatting rule.
In our example, this looks as follows:
7. The rule is active immediately. Check your data to make sure that the conditional formatting works as expected. You can edit or remove the rule at any time if you want to make adjustments.
8. Result: In the project list, the Beispielprojekt 2 is now highlighted in red because the value in the TOTAL EXPENSES (ACTUAL) cell is > €500.
All other projects with a value of less than €500 have no color coding.
If you find that the order of the rules does not suit your use case, you can change the order of several rules.
Use the up/down arrows to do this.
Instead of setting a specific reference value in your rule (see above), you can also include another field in your rule and thus place two fields in relation to each other. This allows you, for example, to mark tasks or projects where the actual value has exceeded a target value.
When creating the rule, as usual, select a field to be used when checking the condition and then select one of the following operators:
Then select a second field with which you want to compare the values from field 1.
Your rule could end up looking like this:
Example 1: Booked Hours (Project) Is greater than field value of Workload (all Tasks)
This will show you those projects where the actual time recording exceeds the estimated workload of all tasks.
Example 2: Total Expenses (Actual) Is greater than field value of Total Expenses (Plan)
Here you are warned if the actual costs of a project exceed the planned costs.
For rules relating to schedules and deadlines, you can also use a dynamic date operator instead of a specific date. This allows you to define rules that automatically adapt to the current date and thus avoid manual adjustments.
Proceed as usual when creating the rule (see above) and select one of the following operators:
Instead of then defining a fixed date value, select one of the following times:
This time specification is automatically adjusted relative to the current date.
Example: End (Task) is earlier than the start of Next quarter
This rule is used to mark the End (task) field of all those tasks that have their deadline before the start of the next quarter, i.e. should end in this quarter.
Note This rule relates to the task list.
Why is my conditional formatting rule not being applied?
Check common sources of error such as incorrectly set conditions or conflicts between multiple rules. There may also be a problem with the data source - fields often have very similar names (e.g. Total Expenses (Actual) vs. Total Expenses (Actual, Other)), but these control different data sources. In the column overview, you can see which columns are available in the Projects, Tasks and Time list views and which data these columns contain.
Is there a limit to the number of rules?
No, you can create as many rules as you like. Please note, however, that a large number of rules can lead to conflicts and that only the style of the last condition that matches the data is ever applied. If you notice that the order of the rules does not match your use case, you can change the order by using the up & down arrows.
Are conditional formatting applied when saving views?
Yes, the rules for conditional formatting are applied when you save the (new) view.
Is it possible to export conditional formatting or make it available to other users?
Yes, by exporting the saved view or making the view visible to everyone.