In the following overview, you will find all columns from the list views in the Projects, Tasks and Project tasks, Time and Documents sections. These columns are the default. If you create custom fields (InLoox Enterprise and InLoox On-Prem editions), these are also available in the column selection in the respective view.
Practical tipps for list views
Column name | Data set | Notes |
Division | Project_DivisionName | |
All Time Entries Billed | Project_AllPositionsBilled | You will see the check mark symbol in this column for billed time recording entries belonging to this project ✓ |
Count Task Items | Project_TasksCount | Indicates a number. |
Count project notes | Project_NotesCount | Indicates a number. |
Workload (All Tasks) Hours | Project_TaskItemDuration | Indicates the total effort from all tasks in this project in hours. |
Workload (Gantt) Hours | Project_PlannedWorkAmount | Indicates the total effort from all planning elements in the Gantt chart of this project in hours. |
Archived | Project_IsArchived | If the project has been archived, you will see the check mark symbol in this column ✓ |
Image | Project_Image | Displays only the project image, without the project name. |
Financial Warning (Icon) | Project_BudgetIndicator | This column shows the budget icon instead of the column name. |
Document Store Type | Project_StoreType | |
Document Library | Project_FSDocumentLibrary | |
Document Folder | Project_DocumentFolder | |
Done | Project_Complete | |
First Customer | Project_FirstCustomer | Shows only the first name of all the persons added to the field "Customer" on the project manage page. |
First Partner | Project_FirstPartner | |
First Incomplete Activity | Project_FirstNotCompletedPlanningDate | |
First Additional Contact | Project_FirstAdditionalContact | |
First Team Member | Project_FirstTeamMember | |
Favorite (Icon) | Project_IsFavorite | |
% Complete (Project - Actual) | = (Total effort in completed tasks) / (Total effort in tasks) in percent | |
% Complete (Project - Plan) | Project_CompletePlan | = (Sum of all task efforts that are in planning under a planning element with end < now) / (sum of efforts in tasks) in percent |
Complete (Project - Plan vs Actual) | Project_CompletePlanActual | = (percentage of completion (actual)) - (percentage of completion (planned)) |
% Complete (Project - Status) | Project_CompleteStatus | Shows the value that was defined for the current project status in the settings. It is identical to the “Project status in %” column |
Progress (Auto) | Project_ComputedProgress | |
Reviewers | Project_ReviewerProjectContact | Names of contacts of type project application reviewer in the project, separated by semicolons. |
Booked Hours (Project) | Project_TimeEntriesDuration | |
Size | Project_SizeScore | Indicates the “size” factor of the project evaluation. Further information on the project score » |
Contacts (Customer) | Project_CustomerProjectContact | |
Contacts (Partner) | Project_PartnerProjectContact | |
Contacts (Manager) | Project_ManagerProjectContact | |
Contacts (Team) | Project_TeamProjectContact | |
Contacts (More) | Project_MoreProjectContact | |
Customer | Project_ClientName | |
Customer Number and Name | Project_ClientNumberName | |
Customer Number | Project_ClientNumber | |
Last Project Change on | Project_LastChangedDateTime | |
Last Project Change by | Project_LastChangedByName | |
Last Project Note | Project_Note | |
Locked (Icon) | ||
Overall Score | ||
Planned Duration (Remaining) | Project_PlannedDurationRemaining | Specifies the remaining duration from the current time to the planned end time of the last planning element of the project's Gantt chart. This calculation does not take place in real time, but is carried out at regular intervals. |
Planned Duration | Project_PlannedDuration | Specifies the duration from the start time of the first planning element to the end time of the last planning element of the project's Gantt chart. This calculation does not take place in real time, but is carried out at regular intervals. |
Planned End Gantt | Project_PlannedEndDate | |
Planned Start Gantt | Project_PlannedStartDate | |
Priority (Icon) | Project_Priority | |
Project Updated at | Project_UpdatedAt | |
Project Completed on | Project_ClosedDateTime | |
Project Completed by | Project_ClosedByName | |
Project Created on | Project_CreatedDateTime | |
Project Created by | Project_CreatedByName | |
Project Request | Project_IsRequest | |
Project Duration (Remaining) | Project_ProjectDurationRemaining | Specifies the duration from the current time to the end of the project, which was set on the project manage page. |
Project Duration | Project_ProjectDuration | Indicates the period from project start to project end as set on the project manage page in calendar days. |
Project End | Project_EndDate | |
Project Group | Project_ClusterName | |
Project Categories | Project_Categories | |
Project Key Figures Last Updated on | Project_KeyFiguresLastUpdated | |
Project Running Number | Project_NumberIncremential | |
Project Manager | Project_FirstManager | |
Project Name | Displays the project image and the project name | |
Project Number | Project_Number | |
Project Number (Prefix) | Project_NumberPrefix | |
Project Number (Suffix) | Project_NumberSuffix | |
Project Number and Name | Project_ProjectNumberAndName | |
Project Start | Project_StartDate | |
Project Status | Project_ProjectStatusName | |
Project Status in % | Project_PercentComplete | Shows the value that was defined for the current project status in the settings. It is identical to the “Degree of completion (status)” column. |
Backwards Scheduling | Project_BackwardScheduling | |
Risk | Project_RiskScore | Indicates the “risk” factor of the project evaluation. Further information on the project score » |
SharePoint Document Library | Project_SPSDocumentLibrary | |
SharePoint Site | Project_SPSSite | |
SharePoint Subfolder | Project_SPSSubfolders | |
Total Effort (Completed) Work Days | Project_TotalEffortComplete | |
Total Effort (Plan) Work Days | Project_TotalEffortPlan | |
Total Effort (Plan, Due) Work Days | Project_TotalEffortPlanDue | = Sum of all task efforts that are in planning under a planning element with End < Now |
Total Effort (Overdue) Work Days | Project_TotalEffortOverdue | |
Total Effort (Reamining) Work Days | Project_TotalEffortRemaining | |
Total Effort (Time Entries) Work Days | Project_TotalEffortTimeEntries | |
Total Effort | Project_TotalEffort | in work days |
Total Expenses (Actual) | Project_AmountActualCosts | |
Total Expenses (Actual, Other) | Project_AmountCostsOthers | |
Total Expenses (Actual, Time Entries) | Project_AmountActivityCosts | |
Total Expenses (Plan) | Project_AmountPlannedCosts | |
Total Expenses (Plan, Resources) | Project_AmountPlannedCostsResources | |
Total Expenses (Plan, Others) | Project_AmountPlannedCostsOther | |
Total Revenues (Actual) | Project_AmountRevenues | |
Total Revenues (Plan) | Project_AmountPlannedRevenues | |
Total Margin (Actual) | Project_AmountProfit | |
Total Margin (Plan) | Project_AmountPlannedProfit | |
Total Cost Variance (Plan vs Actual) | Project_AmountProfitDifference | |
Total Operational Expenses (Actual) | ||
Total Operational Expenses (Plan) | ||
Fixed Deadline | Project_IsEndDateFixed | |
Time Warning | Project_ProgressIndicator | Occurs if both the project end date and the date of the last planning element are in the past. |
Time Warning (Planning End) | Project_TimeWarningPlanningEndExceeded | Indicates that the date of the last planning element has already passed and therefore the planned deadline for the completion of all planning elements has expired. |
Time Warning (Project End) | Project_TimeWarningProjectEndExceeded | Indicates that the specified end of the project, as defined on the Manage page, is in the past and the project has therefore exceeded its planned completion date. |
Unassigned Expensed Hours (Time Entries) | ||
Value | Project_ValueScore | Indicates the “value” factor of the project evaluation. Further information on the project score » |
Spaltenname | Datensatz | Hinweise |
Abgerechnet | TaskItem_IsBilled | Wenn die Aufgabe abgerechnet wurde, sehen Sie in dieser Spalte das Häkchen-Symbol ✓ |
Abrechenbar | TaskItem_IsBillable | Wenn wenn die Aufgabe abgerechnet werden kann, sehen Sie in dieser Spalte das Häkchen-Symbol ✓ |
Abteilung | Project_DivisionName | |
Aktualisiert am | TaskItem_UpdatedAt | |
Alle Vorgänger abgeschlossen | Planning_AllTaskItemPredecessorDone | Wenn alle vorherigen Planungselemente abgeschlossen wurden, sehen Sie in dieser Spalte das Häkchen-Symbol ✓ |
Anzahl Notizen | TaskItem_NotesCount | Gibt eine Zahl an. |
Arbeitsaufwand (Gantt) Std. | Project_PlannedWorkAmount | |
Aufgabe | TaskItem_Name | |
Aufgabe erledigt | TaskItem_IsDone | |
Aufgabe erstellt von | CreatedByContact_DisplayName | |
Aufgabe zuletzt geändert von | TaskItem_ChangedByDisplayName | |
Aufgabenkennzahlen aktualisiert am | TaskItem_KeyFiguresLastUpdated | |
Aufgabenstatus | TaskItem_TaskItemStatusName | |
Aufwand (Aufgabe) Stunden | TaskItem_WorkAmount | |
Ausgeführt am | TaskItem_ProvisionDate | |
Ausgeführt von | TaskItem_PerformedByDisplayName | |
Beschreibung (Aufgabe) | TaskItem_DescriptionText | |
Beschreibung (Budget) | TaskItem_BudgetDescription | |
Dauer (Vorgang) Minuten | Planning_DurationMinutes | |
Dauer (Vorgang) Stunden | Planning_DurationHours | |
Direkter Vorgänger abgeschlossen | Planning_TaskItemPredecessorDone | |
Dokumente (Anzahl) | TaskItem_DocumentsCount | |
Dokumenten-Ablage Typ | Project_StoreType | |
Einkaufspreis (pro Stunde) | TaskItem_PricePerUnit | In der Aufgabe muss eine Gruppe mit Einkaufspreis ausgewählt sein. |
Einschränkung Datum (Planungselement) | Planning_ConstraintDate | |
Einschränkungstyp (Planungselement) | Planning_ConstraintType | |
Ende (Aufgabe) | TaskItem_EndDateTime | |
Ende (Planungselement) | Planning_EndDateTime | |
Erledigt am (Aufgabe) | TaskItem_DoneDate | |
Erledigt am (Vorgang) | Planning_DoneDate | |
Erstellt am (Aufgabe) | TaskItem_CreatedAt | |
Erstellt am (Planungselement) | Planning_CreatedAt | |
Erstellt von | TaskItem_CreatedByDisplayName | |
Erster Kunde | Project_FirstCustomer | |
Erster Partner | Project_FirstPartner | |
Erster weiterer Kontakt | Project_FirstAdditionalContact | |
Erstes Teammitglied | Project_FirstTeamMember | |
Fälligkeit | TaskItem_CombinedEndDateTime | |
Farbe (Aufgabe) | TaskItem_CustomColor | |
Farbe (Planung) | Planning_CustomColor | |
Farbe (Status) | TaskItem_TaskItemStatusColor | |
Favorit (Symbol) | Project_IsFavorite | |
Fertigstellungsgrad (Ist) | Project_CompleteActual | |
Fertigstellungsgrad (Plan) | Project_CompletePlan | |
Fertigstellungsgrad (Plan-Ist-Vergleich) | Project_CompletePlanActual | |
Fiskalmonat | TaskItem_FiscalMonth | |
Fixiert | Planning_IsFixed | |
Fortschritt (Auto) | Project_ComputedProgress | |
Freigebende | Project_ReviewerProjectContact | |
Geändert am | TaskItem_ChangedDate | |
Geändert von | TaskItem_ChangedByContact_DisplayName | |
Gebuchte Stunden (Aufgabe) | TaskItem_TimeEntriesDuration | |
Gebuchte Stunden (Projekt) | Project_TimeEntriesDuration | |
Gruppe | TaskItem_GroupName | |
Hat Enddatum | TaskItem_HasEndDate | |
Hat Startdatum | TaskItem_HasStartDate | |
Ist gelesen | TaskItem_IsRead | |
Ist individueller Preis (pro Stunde) | TaskItem_IsCustomPricePerUnit | |
Kontakte (Kunde) | Project_CustomerProjectContact | |
Kontakte (Partner) | Project_PartnerProjectContact | |
Kontakte (Projektleiter) | Project_ManagerProjectContact | |
Kontakte (Team) | Project_TeamProjectContact | |
Kontakte (Weitere) | Project_AdditionalProjectContact | |
Kritisch | Planning_IsCritical | Wenn die Aufgabe einem Planungselement zugeordnet ist, das auf dem kritischen Pfad liegt, wird hier das Häkchen-Symbol ✓ angezeigt. |
Kunde | Project_ClientName | |
Kundennummer und -Name | Project_ClientNumberName | |
Kundenummer | Project_ClientNumber | |
Laufnummer (Aufgabe) | TaskItem_ConsecutiveNumber | |
Letzte Projekt-Änderung am | Project_LastChangedDateTime | |
Letzte Projekt-Änderung von | Project_LastChangedByName | |
Letzte Projektnotiz | Project_Note | |
Meilenstein | Planning_IsMilestone | |
Ort | Planning_Location | |
Plandauer Gantt (Verbleibend) Arbeitstage | Project_PlannedDurationRemaining | |
Plandauer Gantt Arbeitstage | Project_PlannedDuration | |
Planende Gantt | Project_PlannedEndDate | |
Planstart Gantt | Project_PlannedStartDate | |
Planungsebene | Planning_Level | |
Planungselement aktualisiert am | Planning_UpdatedAt | |
Planungsfortschritt | Planning_Progress | |
Position in Kanban Status | TaskItem_CardPositionNumber | |
Positionsnummer | TaskItem_PositionNumber | |
Priorität (Symbol) | Project_Priority | |
Projekt aktualisiert am | Project_UpdatedAt | |
Projekt erledigt von | Project_ClosedByName | |
Projekt erstellt von | Project_CreatedByName | |
Projekt Gesperrt (Symbol) | Project_Locked | |
Projektdauer (Verbleibend) Kalendertage | Project_ProjectDurationRemaining | |
Projektdauer Kalendertage | Project_ProjectDuration | |
Projektende | Project_EndDate | |
Projektgruppe | Project_ClusterName | |
Projektkategorien | Project_Categories | |
Projektlaufnummer | Project_NumberIncremential | |
Projektleiter | Project_FirstManager | |
Projektname | Project_Name | |
Projektnummer | Project_Number | |
Projektnummer (Präfix) | Project_NumberPrefix | |
Projektnummer (Suffix) | Project_NumberSuffix | |
Projektnummer und -name | Project_ProjectNumberAndName | |
Projektstart | Project_StartDate | |
Projektstatus | Project_ProjectStatusName | |
Projektstatus in % | Project_PercentComplete | |
PSP-Code (manuell) | Planning_PSPCode | |
Resource | TaskItem_ContactDisplayName | |
Sammelvorgang | Planning_IsGrouping | |
Start | TaskItem_CombinedStartDateTime | |
Start (Aufgabe) | TaskItem_StartDateTime | |
Start (Vorgang) | Planning_StartDateTime | |
Summe Aufwand (Fertiggestellt) Arbeitstage | Project_TotalEffortComplete | |
Summe Aufwand (Plan) Arbeitstage | Project_TotalEffortPlan | |
Summe Aufwand (Plan, Fällig) Arbeitstage | Project_TotalEffortPlanDue | |
Summe Aufwand (Überfällig) Arbeitstage | Project_TotalEffortOverdue | |
Summe Aufwand (Verbleibend) Arbeitstage | Project_TotalEffortRemaining | |
Summe Aufwand (Zeiterfassung) Arbeitstage | Project_TotalEffortTimeEntries | Diese Spalte gilt für Aufgaben, die einem Projekt zugeordnet sind. |
Summe Aufwand (Zeiterfassung) in Arbeitstagen | TaskItem_TotalEffortTimeEntries | Diese Spalte gilt für Aufgaben, die keine Projektzuordnung haben. |
Summe Aufwand in Arbeitstagen | Project_TotalEffort | |
TaskItem_Ordinalposition | TaskItem_Ordinalposition | |
Terminarbeit | Project_IsEndDateFixed | |
Überfällig | TaskItem_IsOverdue | |
Verkaufspreis (pro Stunde) | TaskItem_SecondaryPricePerUnit | In der Aufgabe muss eine Gruppe mit Verkaufspreis ausgewählt sein. |
Vorgang | Planning_DisplayName | |
Zeitwarnung | Project_ProgressIndicator | |
Zugewiesen von | TaskItem_AssignedByDisplayName |
Spaltenname | Datensatz | Hinweise |
Abgerechnet | TimeEntry_IsBilled | |
Abrechenbar | TimeEntry_IsBillable | |
Abteilung | Project_DivisionName | |
Aktualisiert am | TimeEntry_UpdatedAt | |
Aufgabe | TaskItem_Name | |
Aufgabe erledigt | TaskItem_IsDone | |
Aufgabe erstellt von | CreatedByContact_DisplayName | |
Aufgabenstatus | TaskItem_TaskItemStatusName | |
Aufwand (Aufgabe) Stunden | TaskItem_WorkAmount | |
Ausgeführt am | TaskItem_ProvisionDate | |
Ausgeführt von | TimeEntry_PerformedByDisplayName | |
Beschreibung | TimeEntry_DescriptionText | |
Duration (hours) | TimeEntry_DurationHours | Duration of the time entry in hours |
TimeEntry_DurationMinutes | PLEASE NOTE: This column is only available in dashboards and reports. There, the data from the column Duration (hours) is converted into minutes. | |
TimeEntry_DurationWorkingDays | PLEASE NOTE: This column is only avalable in dashboards and reports. There, the data from the column Duration (hours) is converted into work days, depending on the InLoox settings for the hours of a work day. | |
Dokumente | TimeEntry_HasDocuments | |
Enddatum (Zeiterfassung) | TimeEntry_EndDate | |
Ende | TimeEntry_EndDateTime | |
Endzeit (Zeiterfassung) | TimeEntry_EndTime | |
Erbracht am | TimeEntry_ProvisionDate | |
Erstellt am | TimeEntry_CreatedDate | Zeig das Datum an, an dem der Zeiterfassungseintrag erstellt wurde. |
Erstellt am | TimeEntry_CreatedAt | Zeit die Uhrzeit an, zu der der Zeiterfassungseintrag erstellt wurde. |
Erstellt von | TimeEntry_CreatedByDisplayName | |
Favorit (Symbol) | Project_IsFavorite | |
Fiskalmonat | TimeEntry_FiscalMonth | |
Geändert am | TimeEntry_ChangedDate | |
Größe | Project_SizeScore | |
Gruppe | TaskItem_GroupName | |
Gruppe | TimeEntry_GroupName | |
Kennzeichnung | TimeEntry_ColorFlag | |
Kunde | Project_ClientName | |
Kundennummer und -Name | Project_ClientNumberName | |
Kundenummer | Project_ClientNumber | |
Laufnummer | TimeEntry_ConsecutiveNumber | |
Letzte Änderung von | TimeEntry_ChangedByDisplayName | |
Letzte Projektnotiz | Project_Note | |
Name (Zeiteintrag) | TimeEntry_DisplayName | |
Planungsfortschritt | Planning_Progress | |
Position | TimeEntry_OrdinalPosition | |
Projekt erstellt von | Project_CreatedByName | |
Projektende | Project_EndDate | |
Projektkategorien | Project_Categories | |
Projektname | Project_Name | |
Projektnummer | Project_Number | |
Projektnummer und -name | Project_ProjectNumberAndName | |
Projektstart | Project_StartDate | |
Projektstatus | Project_ProjectStatusName | |
Projektstatus in % | Project_PercentComplete | |
Start | TimeEntry_StartDateTime | |
Startdatum (Zeiterfassung) | TimeEntry_StartDate | |
Startzeit (Zeiterfassung) | TimeEntry_StartTime | |
Vorgang | Planning_DisplayName |
Column name | Data set | Notes |
Changed at (Document) | Document_FileChangedDate | |
Changed by | ChangedBy_DisplayName | |
Created by | CreatedBy_DisplayName | |
Created on (Document) | Document_FileCreatedDate | |
Description (Document) | Document_DescriptionText | |
Email received at | Document_OutlookReceivedDate | |
Email sender | Document_OutlookSender | |
Email subject | Document_OutlookSubject | |
Email CC recipients | Document_OutlookCCRecipient | |
Email recipient | Document_OutlookRecipient | |
File name | Document_FileName | |
Folder name | DocumentFolder_FolderName | |
Internet link path | Document_InternetLinkPath | |
Relative folder path | DocumentFolder_RelativePath | |
Size | Document_FileSize | |
Source Folder | Document_SourceFolder | |
Status (Document) | Document_State | |
Type (Document) | Document_FileType |