Publish planning elements in other projects

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Since InLoox 11.16, you can publish planning elements - summary activities, activities and milestones - from one Gantt chart (source project) into another project's (target project) Gantt chart. 

Publish a planning to another project's Gantt

Planungselemente veröffentlichen

Open the source project and click on Planning.

  1. Mark the planning element you want to publish in the source project and click on the editing icon to open the side panel.
  2. There, click on the field Publication and select the target project for the publication of the planning element. 
  3. You can click on the target project and InLoox will open its Gantt chart with the published element marked as such.

Once published, any changes to the original planning element will also be displayed in the target project's Gantt plan. 

Please note that the assigned tasks are not published to the target project. 

Necessary permissions to publish planning elements

A user needs to have the following permissions to be able to publish planning elements:

Users with read-only permissions for the planning in the source project and/or target project can see the marking of published elements and see the published elements in the target project's Gantt chart. 


InLoox sends out a notification to the project team of the target project to notify them about the change to the Gantt chart - unless they have deactivated the notifications-feature.

How to use published planning elements in the target project

You cannot edit published planning elements in the target project, but you can set dependencies and constraints between the published element(s) and the target project's planning elements.

A published planning element cannot be republished from the target project. If you want to publish a planning element to multiple projects, you can do so only in its source project.

Calculation of linked published planning elements

Once you have set dependencies, any changes in the published planning element will affect the linked planning element(s) in the target project(s)'sGantt chart(s). InLoox will calculate these changes and visualize them accordingly in the target projects.

Changes in the target Gantt chart, however, do not affect the published planning element and therefore also not the source project's Gantt chart.

Should these changes lead to the violation of constraints, InLoox will notify you about these violations in the Gantt chart and you can resolve them manually.