In the project list you create new projects and find all projects listed that you have either created yourself or in which you are a member.
Info General information about lists can be found in the help article list view
In the following, we will explain step-by-step how to create your first project with InLoox in the web app.
The Manage tab is opened first by default. Right next to it you will see the tabs Tasks, Mind Maps, Documents, Time, Planning and Financials.
In the Manage tab you can enter the most important information about your project.
8. At the top right you will find a bar with additional functions:
NOTE The information is all saved automatically. So you can simply close the project and your specifications will all be stored.
When you create a new project, you can evaluate the project using the risk, size and value parameters. Each parameter can be set on a scale from 1 to 10 using the slider.
Info In order to view/edit the project assessment, you need the corresponding permissions "Read project assessment" / "Edit project assessment".
Defining the values for project evaluation is a process that must be individually designed for each company. Our recommendation is to develop a catalog of criteria for each value that allows classification based on largely objective standards.
One example would be size, where threshold values for the evaluation can be set based on the number of employees involved, the budget and the planned time period:
A consensus should then be reached in a discussion to decide how a project should be evaluated. The list of criteria should also be adjusted regularly to ensure that projects are realistically reflected in the criteria.
The criteria can also be of a more complex nature that cannot be captured in figures. Here is an example of "value":
The overall score is a rating that reflects the overall performance of a project on a scale of 0 to 10. The score is calculated using the formula:
((10 - Risk) + (10 - Size) + Value) / 3
Tip Use our free standard dashboard "Project value", which visualizes the risk, size and value parameters selected above and displays them in a matrix. You can download the template here. If you need help importing dashboard templates or dashboards in general, read the help article Dashboards ยป
The overall score of the project is available as a column in the project list. To show this column, switch to the project list.
Activity tracking allows you to track in detail who has changed what and when in your project. This feature provides transparency and control over various aspects of your project. You can find activity tracking in the Activities area in the Changes tab.
The following entities provide a change history for the following fields:
1. Tasks
2. Documents
3. Time Entries
4. Projects
You have the possibility to filter and sort the project list by various characteristics:
In case of long project lists, the search function is a quick way to find a specific project. Simply enter a few letters of the project name or the client number in the search field at the top right next to the filter function and the projects corresponding to the entry will be displayed.
NOTE All projects will be searched and displayed regardless of the selected category. So, for example, if you are looking for an already archived project and enter the project name in the search field, all projects in all categories that match your search entry will be displayed.
TIP For a better overview switch to the advanced mode and then to the table view.
In the project list the project progress is displayed in % for each project (if you have enabled the Progress column). This value shows the status of the project that you set in the Manage tab and distinguishes only between 100% completed for status Completed, Accepted or Rejected, or 0% completed (for status Started and Offers).
All members assigned to a project are displayed with their profile picture in the top right corner.
Using the plus icon, you can add further contacts to the following categories:
Select a client for you project from the dropdown menu or search for an existing client by typing in the name or number.
Since InLoox 11.8 you can type in a new client's name in the field "client" and thus add the new client to your clients list.
Client management and client settings can be accessed by InLoox account admins in the account settings. Read more on that here.
To open and edit a project, click on the project. You will be redirected to the Manage tab of the project.
Via the other tabs you get to the further, project-specific areas like Tasks (Kanban view), Mind Maps, Documents, Time, Planning and Financials.