InLoox and Excel with OData

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How can I embed InLoox 11 data live in Excel?



With the InLoox OData API, you can integrate data from the InLoox database directly into Excel as a data source using Microsoft Power Query.

The following guide will help you add an example query of the project list to an Excel document:


1. Create Personal Access Token

In the My Profile section, go to the Personal Access Tokens (PAT) tab. Here, you can generate a personalized access token for authorizing data access from applications to your InLoox account. The token acts as a personal login and allows access only to the data you can see in InLoox.

Personal Access Token in InLoox

Info For the token to work, you need the permission “Allow authentication via personal access token”, which you will receive from your InLoox admin. (After (de)activating the permission, it takes up to 1 hour for this to take effect. Background: The permission is cached to optimize performance.)

Permission to authenticate via personal access token

To create a token, click New Token, enter a meaningful name in the dialog, and select the account whose data you want to access.

Create Excel Token in InLoox

Save the token in a secure location, as you will need it later. If you lose the token, simply create a new one.

IMPORTANT A Personal Access Token is comparable to a login and password. It should therefore also be protected like a password. If it is shared, it can be used with the InLoox API to gain read and write(!) access to data in InLoox.

We strongly recommend creating a new user with the "Read-Only" access type specifically for retrieving data via a PAT token. Additionally, configure permissions for this user to ensure access is granted only to the necessary data.

IMPORTANT If you retrieve the data in accordance with this guide, the Excel file will also contain the token. If you send/share the Excel file, the token will also be sent. In this case, it is advisable to remove the token beforehand.

API-Reader: Neuer Benutzer mit lesendem Zugriff


2. Connect the InLoox OData data source to Power Query in Excel

Power Query is a technology embedded in Excel and other Microsoft products that allows you to import external data sources into Excel tables.

In Excel, navigate to the Data tab and open the Get Data dropdown menu. First, select From Other Sources and then Blank Query.

Connect InLoox OData data source to Power Query in Excel

This opens the Power Query Editor in a new window.


Now, open the Advanced Editor:

Open Advanced Editor


Enter the following query, replacing [YOUR_PAT_TOKEN] with the Personal Access Token (PAT) you created earlier:

Enter query of x-api-key and OData.Feed

The query in detail:

    headers = [#"x-api-key" = "[YOUR_PAT_TOKEN]"],
    Source = OData.Feed("", headers)


Explanation of the query:

  • YOUR_PAT_TOKEN: Your Personal Access Token
  • OData.Feed: The URL of your InLoox account, including the OData API path and an OData API object. In this example, the list of all projects.
  • If you are using InLoox in the OnPrem version on your own server, you must enter the corresponding URL defined by your organization, e.g.


Typically, you will now be prompted to specify how your connection to the InLoox API should be established.
Click Edit Credentials:

Edit Credentials


Then select Anonymous with the level set to or the corresponding URL for your InLoox OnPrem server:

Anonymous access for OData feed


After confirming by clicking Connect, a preview of your data will be loaded:

Preview of InLoox data in Excel


On the top left, click Close & Load to exit the Power Query Editor and import the queried data into a new Excel table.

IMPORTANT Depending on the size of your InLoox database, this query may load a very large amount of data! Ideally, you should apply filters to limit your query and retrieve only the data relevant to your use case. For more information on filtering data in Power Query, refer to Microsoft’s documentation: Filter data (Power Query) – Microsoft Support.

InLoox data in Excel

Now you can analyze your InLoox data directly in Excel - enjoy!


Further information

InLoox OData API

Power Query